Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Do U Know When A Wart Is Dying How Do You Know If A Wart Is Dead?

How do you know if a wart is dead? - how do u know when a wart is dying

So I tried my horrible case of warts for almost a week know, like you, if a wart is dead?


  1. Warts do not die, they are a virus, and will later appear. But if you do not, you do not feel or see

  2. in the autopsy report will be presented in

  3. was a huge black volcano erupts, then turned walah to ashes and then simply blow ... not wart

  4. It will appear in your ....... Boo!

  5. Bags and leaves. Bye-bye wart. No, seriously, it disappears.

  6. A wart is caused by a virus, it is not really "live" as such.

    He's dead, then it is gone. Each street.

  7. If you see him live! Should continue to use the acid, until the wart is completely dissolved and the surrounding skin will be painful if you use the acid. Test method of freezing the wart, which is currently so popular. Ask your pharmacist for help with product selection. It is assumed that the fast and easy to use. Good luck to you! The shame of all smart-ass with the same tone of the response.

  8. fantamusue .... Good answer.

    I've also come to tie a rope around one begin to escape the main wart and other warts to disappear, then the main wart is. This was achieved by a family member who was born in 1897 is one .... an ancient source.

  9. when it dries it becomes black, and even sorta

  10. It should only be black if the doctor has been frozen. Whether it was (a small hole remains intact), then you will not have the wart. The doctors told me that if you use tape to cover, but that kills you. Believe it or not. To get rid of warts takes two or three weeks or more.
